Kids Safety Network

Nanny Who Looked After Madeleine McCann Speaks Out

A nanny who looked after Madeleine McCann, who disappeared almost a decade ago, has finally spoken out about the night she disappeared.

The child-minder, who worked at the resort where the girl and her family were staying, said she is still haunted by what happened that night.

The nanny says she still has that image in her head of the dad, Gerry McCann, desperately trying to find his little girl.

She told the Mirror, about the night of the disappearance, while Gerry searched for his little girl, the mother Kate cried, ‘They’ve taken her’, as the nanny tried to comfort her.

She said: “A parent came to me and said there was something going on, and said someone’s looking for a child, I didn’t instantly think it was Maddie.

A couple of minutes later I walked into Kate crying, friends comforting her, Gerry looking under cars, and it just blew up.

I don’t even think she saw me. I just stood next to her and tried to comfort her.

She was pacing up and down. The worst possible thing had just happened to her. I think I said something like, ‘She’ll be found, these things happen all the time.

She was crying, but almost in a catatonic state, and Gerry was very distressed. That’s the one thing I really remember from him, looking under the cars. I can’t forget that.”

The nanny, says she looked after little Maddie several times during the McCann’s stay. She said that her and other members of staff began to sift through industrial sized bins to look for the little girl and they walked the streets of Praia da Luz until 5am.

The anonymous witness said the resort was so dangerous that nannies were given rape alarms and told not to go out alone. She also took the opportunity to criticize how Portuguese police handled the investigation; claiming that their mishandling ruined any chance of finding the person who took the child.

She told the Mirror: “I know I didn’t step into that apartment but pretty much everybody else did. So, evidence gone, nothing. There was nobody there to say, ‘We need to lock this off now.The police didn’t get there for ages, maybe an hour and a half, so we were looking for her.”

She said that when she was interviewed by police a second time a significant amount of her original statement – at least two pages – was missing.

She also said she couldn’t believe that Kate and Gerry were accused of being involved. Telling the paper that when police asked her if she thought it was possible she told them ‘no, there’s no way at all. A, timings and B, where it was, their r­eactions, the whole thing. Not a chance.’

The Nanny said that Madeleine was a ‘real cutie and a real sweetheart‘ as well as ‘slightly shy, very sweet’.

When asked if she believed Madeleine is still alive, she said: “Think possibly is the wrong word, but hope. I hope she is still alive.”


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