Kids Safety Network

Murder Accused Parents Allowed To See Baby Before Taken Off Life Support

The parents in Georgia who have been accused of brutally beating their infant daughter were permitted to visit with her before she was removed from life support.

Dinah Paige Whited had been on life support since April this year, when she was admitted to hospital after suffering broken collar bones, ribs and a brain hemorrhage, police said.

For almost three months, Dinah has lived on life support in the pediatric intensive care unit of Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta at Egleston. Her parents, Justin Whited and Jamie Cason Whited, were arrested and charged with beating their tiny baby into a three-month coma. And they were allowed to see her before her life support was switched off!

In the order, Walton County Juvenile Court Judge David Dickinson allowed for the couple to see the child and remain with her until she died.

The judge said that he made the decision because both parents agreed to terminate life support and because neither had been convicted of harming her.

The parents were charged, however, and were incarcerated while Dinah was in hospital.With the permission of her parents, Dinah was allowed to die and the parents – who allegedly caused the poor baby’s injuries – were allowed a final visit before she was removed from life support, authorities confirmed.

The parents were allowed 30 minutes to say goodbye to their child.

Her tiny body full of broken bones and a bleeding brain and, ultimately, led to her death.

The awful injuries that Dinah suffered over time, along with the lack of medical attention, ultimately lead to her death,” police said in a statement.

After Dinah died, felony murder charges were served on both parents, Monroe Police said in a release.

The parents have both pleaded not guilty.

Dinah’s grandparents, Paige and Johnny Barrett, have set up a Go Fund Me page to raise money for burial expenses.

“Since April 23, 2016 Dinah Paige has been in Egleston fighting for her little life from all internal injuries. She has 5 specialist that has confirmed Dinah has no brain activity at all. If she continues to be on life support she will only grow, have a trach, a feeding tube, and the longer she is on life support the more she is exceptable [sic] to pneumonia and air borne diseases. Due to Dinah taking 1 breath every 2 to 3 minutes Eglestons hands are tired without the fathers consent.”

“The Doctors has made several attempts by conference calls to the father in jail to explain this baby will never live a normal life, she will never walk , talk, or play. She has no quality of life.”

Dinah’s father initially objected in court to remove the child from life support. Doctors tried and failed to convince Mr. Whited to take Dinah off life support in numerous phone calls. However, once Whited was shown a video of his daughter – who was unresponsive –he agreed to the termination of life support.

Friends and family members said that the couple, who had been together since their teens, struggled with drug abuse and domestic issues.


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