Kids Safety Network

Mum Dies Hours After Giving Birth to Healthy Triplet Boys After Conceiving Through IVF

Chervonne Magaoa was told she needed an emergency caesarean on August 31 but started to experience serious complications immediately after the operation

Mum Dies Hours After Giving Birth to Healthy Triplet Boys After Conceiving Through IVF

Chervonne Magaoa, pictured with husband Martin, died just a few hours after giving birth (Image: Gofundme)

A mother died from an extremely rare medical condition within hours of giving birth to healthy triplets.

Chervonne Magaoa conceived three boys through IVF and was told she needed an emergency caesarean on August 31, just five days before her original due date.

The 34-year-old, who was born in New Zealand but raised in Hawaii, delivered three healthy babies but started to experience serious complications almost immediately after the operation.

Chervonne died just a few hours later from an “amniotic fluid embolism”, a very rare pregnancy complication.

The three newborn boys are now with their father, Martin Magaoa (pictured), who is said to be grief-striken (Image: Gofundme)

It occurs when amniotic fluid, which surrounds a baby in the uterus, enters the mother’s bloodstream causing a severe reaction.

Her father Bishop Hyran told the New Zealand Herold : “By 5.30pm, the babies were born. Everything was fine and then she got a complication.

“She had an amniotic fluid embolism and that was her cause of death. The doctor said statistics-wise, it only happens to one in 100,000 [women], so it was a rare event.”

The three newborn boys, named Aayden, Blaise and Carson, are now with their father, Martin Magaoa , who is said to be grief-striken.

Chervonne was told she needed an emergency caesarean on August 31, just five days before her original due date (Image: Gofundme)

The couple, who also have a six-year-old daughter, named Tanner married in 2007 and reportedly struggled to have children.

They had IVF treatment to conceive the triplets.

Chervonne’s shocking death has been met by an outpouring of support in her home country and around the world.

A GoFundMe page, set up by family friends Jan Lesuma and Billy Racule to help with funeral and childcare costs, has already raised more than $51,000.

A GoFundMe page has been set up to help with funeral and childcare costs (Image: Gofundme)

Ms Lesuma wrote: “With a heavy heart, it pains us to announce that Chervonne sadly passed away Thursday evening while giving birth to her triplet sons.

“She is survived by her loving husband Martin, beautiful six-year old son Tanner and thankfully, her three new baby boys.

“Everyone that knows Chervonne can attest to her witty humor, her true friendship and her fierce love and devotion to her family.

“We ask that you please donate what you can to help Chervonne’s family at this truly devastating time.”

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