Kids Safety Network

Mother Of Three Left Paralyzed After Tree Falls On Her During Nor’easter

A GoFundMe has been set up to help a Westport mom and member of the Zoning Board of Appeals who was recently told she may never walk again.

After a tree hit her head and back, leaving her paralyzed from the chest down, Victoria Gouletas of Westport heard the devastating new from doctors, that her life will look “very different.”

The incident took place at Gouletas’ home during the March 7 nor’easter, when an overhead tree snapped and crushed her, according to a GoFundMe page created Tuesday by Suzanne Karpick.

“The tree hit her head and back, leaving her with multiple fractures in her neck, left scapula and sternum,” Karpick said on the page. “Additionally, it broke her back between the T3 and T4 vertebrae, causing paralysis from the chest down. The current prognosis is that she will never walk again.”

Gouletas is a married Mom of 3 children, ages 10, 9 and 2-years-old. She is also a real estate attorney and a member of the Zoning Board of Appeals.

Due to the Mother’s commitment to her family, town and career, she is “fiercely determined” to work as hard as possible to live a full life and regain as much mobility in her body as possible.

Her new lifestyle however will be extremely costly in a number of ways.

Her recovery over the months and years ahead will be a marathon, not a sprint,” Karpick said on the page, “and the out of pocket costs of retrofitting her life while continuing to care for her family will be immense and ongoing.”

In addition to renovating or possibly having to relocating from her house, Gouletas and her husband will also need to purchase vehicles that accommodate her limitations, ongoing nursing care and housekeeping services and child care to aid during her recovery.

Anyone who would like to support Gouletas as she starts on her marathon may do so directly through GoFundMe. As of Wednesday afternoon, $39,620 has been raised by 418 people in less than 24 hours. The page’s current goal is $75,000.

“We know Victoria can do this,” Karpick said on the page, “and we know it will be made easier with all of your support and prayers.”

You can donate to the family’s GoFundMe page here.

Photo credit: GoFundMe

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