Kids Safety Network

Mother Sentenced 9 Years For Planning To Allow Pedophile Rape Her Daughter

A Mother from Wales, who planned to let a pedophile rape her seven-year-old girl has been sent to jail for nine years.

The Cardiff Crown Court heard that the mother had planned a sex attack on her child with Stuart Bailey in a series of “depraved” text messages. The mother was also found guilty of sending the 54-year-old a naked picture of the child and bought sleeping pills to drug her.

Dozens of text messages were in play between the two and the offences only became evident when the woman’s partner found the messages on her phone. The partner then reported her.

Bailey and the woman were found guilty of conspiracy to rape a girl aged under 13 after a trial in December. The pedophile was also convicted of encouraging the distribution of indecent photographs of a child and also for encouraging the sexual assault of a child by another woman.

The woman also admitted to distributing five indecent images of a child and Bailey admitted possessing those images.

A spokesman for NSPCC Wales said in a statememt:

“It is difficult to comprehend how a mother could voluntarily offer her own child to be sexually assaulted in this way.

“A parent should protect their child from harm rather than being complicit in their suffering at the hands of paedophiles like Bailey.

“It is right that both the mother and Bailey have received significant sentences.

“This should send out a message that the sexual abuse of children will not be tolerated, and that those caught planning such heinous crimes will face the full force of the law.”

Senior crown Prosecutor, Gemma Vincent said:

Defendants told the police that the shared messages were merely a fantasy.

They conversed over a number of months and the message exchange demonstrated a clear agreement between them to rape the child.

This case demonstrated a gross breach of trust on behalf of a parent.

Fortunately, the matter came to the attention of the police before the sickening acts described in the texts could be carried out.

The convictions are the result of a thorough and complex police investigation.

We hope that the convictions deter other predatory offenders and demonstrate our commitment to prosecuting those who commit offences against children.

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