Kids Safety Network

Mother Mortified When Son Comes From School Without Pants

When a mother from Washington state went to meet her son at the bus stop one afternoon, she did not expect anything out of the ordinary.

She was horrified to see that her boy was crying and not wearing any pants. She immediately ran over to her crying child as the bus quickly drove away.

She could not understand what had happened but then she saw what was hanging down between his legs…

The boy was forced to wear a pullup diaper.

The mother, who asked to remain anonymous, called the school, Mint Valley Elementary in Longview, wanting answers as the boy was too upset to answer questions clearly.

The school staff were very vague and refused to really describe the mysterious event which left her boy pants-less and wearing an embarrassing diaper.

Apparently, the Mint Valley Elementary school has come under fire previously for using mediaeval punishments, like housing children with special needs in boxes.

This Mom now wanted to understand why he was forced to wear a sagging, soiled diaper in front of his peers, but the school chose to disregard her concerns.

The boy was well beyond the age of diapers so the foster mother was shocked as to why the elementary school forced him to wear one to class.

Eventually, the mother learned the ugly truth. The boy had had a classroom accident, wetting himself. However, instead of offering the boy a change of underwear, they removed his pants and forced him into a diaper.

He was then sent out of the office on a walk of shame in front of his peers and onto the bus home.

This boy is already disadvantaged. He has a learning disability and is a foster child, so the bullies at school now have more ammunition to mock this poor boy.

School administrators refused to comment on the boy’s mistreatment but eventually spokesperson Sandy Catt of Longview Public Schools admitted the school did not follow protocol for an incident that happens frequently in elementary schools – bathroom accidents. 

“Typical protocol would be that the child would be cleaned up and outfitted with some sort of unisex loaner sweats or something like that,” Catt told KOIN 6 News. “That protocol was not followed, and from a district level we have investigated that.”

It is still unclear who made the decision to send a boy home wearing a diaper.

The district has launched an investigation and the superintendent has been made aware of the situation.

Somebody needs to be held accountable for this!


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