Kids Safety Network

Being A Mother Is The Equivalent Of 2.5 Full-Time Jobs

We all know that moms are heroes, as it’s a job that you can’t just clock off at 5, and you’re literally working every hour of the day.

But now research has confirmed what every mother already knows – it’s actually more work than a full time job.

A survey of 2,000 American Mothers of children aged 5 to 12 analysed their weekly schedule.

The study, conducted by juice company Welch’s, showed that the average daily start time for a mom is 6:23am – much earlier than when most people start their working day.

Once a Mom has finished all the tasks, whether they are career related or parenting, she ends her work at 8:31pm.

Not many jobs out there require a 14-hour working day, and most moms have to do this every day of the week.

In total, it makes a mother’s working week a whopping 98 hours of work, or two and a half times more than the average job.

The survey also indicated that the average mom gets just an hour and seven minutes of time to herself every day – so little more than a lunch hour.

Casey Lewis, health and nutrition lead at Welch’s, told Yahoo “The results of the survey highlight just how demanding the role of mom can be and the non-stop barrage of tasks it consists of.”

Moms actually need all the help they can get, and when asked what they couldn’t live without, they said a constant supply of coffee, the ability to nap, and being able to put on an effective angry voice.

Other lifesavers were that of wine, babysitters or family help, Netflix, wet wipes, drive-through meals, iPads, toys, and healthy snacks.

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