Kids Safety Network

Mother Claims Toddler Contracted Flesh-Eating Bacteria From Texas Lake

The Texas mother of a 3-year-old boy said her son is still in pain as he recovers from an alleged flesh-eating bacteria infection that began as several strange sores on his back.

Layne Custer spent July 25 swimming at Lake Sam Rayburn in Zavalla and reportedly awoke the next morning in severe pain.

The boy’s aunt, Samantha Lane, said that the sores had spread to his bottom, arm and stomach. His mother, Amber Custer, took to Facebook 48 hours later the sores started to bleed and were turning black in color.

Custer said that several trips to nearby hospitals resulted in a misdiagnosis of impantigo, pityriasis Rosa as well as a viral infection. He has since been given antibiotics and is recovering.

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