Kids Safety Network

Mother Arrested After 1-Year-Old Son Overdoses

Police have arrested a Yorktown mother after her 1-year-old son overdosed on opiates and had to be revived with Naloxone.

Court records show that 26-year-old Daisha Sue Clark had been staying with a relative while she was on house arrest.

The records show that’s where Clark admitted that she found her 1-year-old son near her bedroom with plastic in his mouth and a powdery substance on his face.

A cousin of Clark’s told police that the little boy then got sick and quit breathing.

Hospital staff at IU Ball Memorial Hospital reportedly used Naloxone on the child a drug that is typically used on people who have overdosed on opioids.

It breaks my heart. It does. It breaks my heart just to see that kids have to ever experience anything like that, let alone find something like that,” said Tanner Wilson, a Yorktown resident.

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