Kids Safety Network

Mother Arrested After 7-Year-Old Boy Found High On Cocaine At School

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A mother is sitting in jail after her 7-year-old son showed up to school high on cocaine.

The Mother is now facing multiple charges while her son recovers after being released from the hospital.

The 7-year-old boy is expected to be fine.

Urbana Police say that the situation could have been much worse had it not been for the quick-thinking and quick-action taken by staff members at North Elementary School.

The boy is 1 of about a dozen kids in the Miami Valley innocently falling victim to the drug epidemic.

“It almost brings a tear to your eye,” Urbana resident Benjamin Cash said. “It’s crazy.”

The boy showed up to school on Monday at North Elementary in Urbana.

The boy seemed abnormally tired, sleepy and somewhat unresponsive during lunch say police.

School officials immediately called paramedics who took the boy by Careflight to Urbana Mercy Health Hospital.

You got to be thankful for the good staff members and good teachers,” Cash said. “That see that stuff right away and try and get the kid help.”

At the hospital, doctors found cocaine in boy’s system, which they believe he inhaled at home before  coming to school. A few hours later, the boy’s mother arrived at the hospital.

Police say that she was later found to be under the influence of cocaine, meth and fentanyl.

“This is your child,” Urbana resident Lee Ann Steed said. “How could this happen.”

“It’s really sad,” Cash said. “It’s sad that the parent had to get involved with that kind of stuff and it’s even worse that they had it around their child.”

Police say that the mother admitted she believed the child was likely under the influence of drugs. She told police that the child was unattended before he left for school that morning.

A 7-year-old child should never even be around drugs,” Steed said. “They shouldn’t even know the word cocaine or any other substance. It’s just not fair.”

The mother was later arrested and taken to jail where she’s facing multiple drug charges.

“She’s exactly where she needs to be,” Steed said. “Because this is the only way she’s probably going to get help.”

The mother is in the Tri-County Jail and has been charged with possession of cocaine, meth and fentanyl. Police say that more charges are likely to follow.

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