Kids Safety Network

Mother and Toddler Both Diagnosed With Cancer Finally Gets Good News

Just a few days before Christmas, Heather Wilson got the news that her young daughter, London, had cancer. The news was devastating because Heather herself had been suffering from an inoperable brain tumor of her own.

The pair received an outpouring of support, thoughts, and prayers from many people and donations from their GoFundMe page, set up by Wilson’s aunt, have added up to over 20 thousand dollars!

A few months later, London and her mom returned to the hospital.

London is now 17 months old and having undergone 4 months of intensive chemotherapy, she and her family were nervously waiting for news about the state of her disease.

“I’ve just been praying and praying and praying,” Wilson told Fox 10. Earlier that day, London had been given a CT scan, and the family awaited the results.

Wilson had high hopes “I just have this strong feeling that she’s going to be okay,” she said.

Previously, Wilson’s aunt, Pam Hunt, had commented on the pair’s incredible strength. “Heather is a warrior, and London is a warrior just like her mom,” she “No young mother should have to be fighting what she’s fighting anyway, and now her daughter has to have the same fight. It just seems like it’s one in a million.”

Finally, Wilson’s family was about to get the results. Dr. Bradley George, the pediatric oncologist came out and delivered the news, reported FoxWilson had high hopes, though. “I just have this strong feeling that she’s going to be okay,” she said.

Wilson had high hopes, though. “I just have this strong feeling that she’s going to be okay,” she said.

Previously, Wilson’s aunt, Pam Hunt, told TODAY. “Heather is a warrior, and London is a warrior just like her mom. No young mother should have to be fighting what she’s fighting anyway, and now her daughter has to have the same fight. It just seems like it’s one in a million.

Finally, Dr. Bradley George, the pediatric oncologist came out and delivered the news, reported Fox.

I’ve got all good news,” he said. “It’s gone. I don’t see anything.”

Finally, the family has got some good news to celebrate after Heather got the all clear.

Wilson says her prayers had finally been answered and while she may still have a fight of her own ahead, she no longer has to worry about London.

“I know I’m crying, but I’m so happy,” Heather said. “I’m so happy!”

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