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This Mom’s IG Post About Mothering A Newborn And A Toddler is Spot On

This Mother’s Instagram Post About Mothering A Newborn And A Toddler is So Accurate

I can vividly remember the day we brought home our second baby. My daughter, who had just turned two years old, was very unsure of her new little bro.

She was very clingy , but also knew that suddenly she had newfound freedom. No longer was Mommy able to just jump up and catch her before she did something to break down the house.

With baby brother on the boob every couple of hours, she had a good head-start on whatever mischief she wanted to get into.

So I can totally relate to this story.

Angela, the creative force behind the hilarious Instagram account mommywinetime, and Mother to a newborn baby boy named Joseph and 2-year-old named Vince, who is currently living this best life.

A recent Instagram post— with a photo of her breastfeeding Joseph while a toy train is stuck hanging from her hair— completely encompasses motherhood completely spot on.

If you’ve been in a similar situation – you know that both feeding and Thomas the Train would probably take up a large part of your day. Every single day.


Angela’s post says: “Maternity leave day eleven. ‘I sorry, Mama,’ my two year old said as Thomas’ wheels spin and tangle in my ponytail. ‘Stuck.’ He was so right. Thomas was stuck. I have a breastfeeding newborn on me as I sit on the floor trying to play trucks with my son. It didn’t feel good. I knew it would need to be cut out of my hair.”

In her post, she admits that in that moment, she “wanted to say many things.” Instead she said, “It’s ok, buddy. We will get him out.” She then goes on to share, “We are all trying to get used to the new normal at our house.” 

This lesson is such a very important one for Mom and son. I can actually remember my daughters confusion about who this new tiny little guy was that took up so much of Mommy’s time—time that used to be spent completely with her.

This post reminded me of her frustration when my time with her would have to be cut short by her brothers hungry cries. Or how she had to entertain herself each day and be quiet while mom was busy putting baby to sleep.

It really is an adjustment for the whole family, and everyone has to make sacrifices, even if one of those sacrifices is your current hairstyle.

Angela ends her post by saying, “My son needs to know that mistakes happen and how we react to those mistakes shapes our little ones. That is why I am still smiling. He apologized, so I guess I’m doing something right… Time to call my stylist! #thomasthetrain#toddlers #hairstyle #maternityleave#whattoexpect
So maybe the silver lining is Mommy might get a few hours to herself later on this week at the hair salon! And for that, she can say thanks to her toddler! And to Thomas the Train. 


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