Kids Safety Network

This Should Be On Every Kid`s Backpack or Keychain

Post sent in by Jennifer Dellert.

It was just a normal day at the mall for Jennifer Dellert… until everything went horribly wrong.

She had just left the mall carrying her shopping bags, and was walking to her car when the unthinkable happened.

“I wasn’t parked too far away, and was busy on my phone texting my daughter.

“It was about a 60 second walk or so to my car from the mall,” she remembers, “and I kind of had that feeling I was being watched.

Right as she was unlocking her car, a man quickly came up behind her and tried to grab her.


“He told me ‘don’t fight, you’re coming with me!’ as he tried to wrestle me towards his car! I was in shock.”

“Luckily for me I remembered I had my Siren Song alarm on my purse, and since I was too scared to scream for help, I quickly reached for the alarm and pulled the pin.

“Immediately my Siren Song alarm started just screaming. I mean it was REALLY SCREAMING. He didn’t know what to do! He froze for a second, then ran away like a bat out of hell!

“People heard the alarm and started yelling and running over to help. They said it was the Siren Song that got their attention.”

After the attack, I immediately bought 4 more Siren Songs for my children and my sister. Now all my kids carry them on their backpacks to stay safe.”

After her attack, Jennifer bought the Siren Song for her kids to put on their backpacks.

You can purchase a Siren Song for your kids here

With Over 30,000 Already Sold, The Siren Song Is Starting To Go Viral On Social Media


Inspired by the Military, the Siren Song uses ear piercing sound so deter bad guys and is quickly becoming one of the most sought after safety devices in America.

It will most likely be on every kid’s keychains or backpacks by the end of the year.

FYI: I’ve been told that Massive orders are coming in from parents everywhere, so don’t delay!

You can order your Siren Song from here 

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