Kids Safety Network

This Mom Saved A Starving Orphan A Year Ago. See How He Looks Now… Amazing

A Year Ago Ryan Was Emaciated, Starving And Helpless

When Priscilla Morse of Tennessee saw a shocking picture of a little orphan boy who lived in a Bulgarian orphanage, she knew she had to help him.

The boy was starving and was completely covered in hair due to malnutrition. The 7-year-old child was close to dying.

This image of baby Ryan was taken a year ago -when Ryan was an emaciated, starving and helpless orphan from Bulgaria.

Her husband David agreed with her, that they needed to do something…

The Morse family wanted to give Ryan the life he so deserved and having already adopted daughter McKenzie (who has Down syndrome and a congenital heart defect), their hearts opened up even more.

It’s been a year already since Priscilla rescued Ryan. You will be amazed to see how different he looks today…

Priscilla Morse saw Ryan’s photo and felt an instant connection.

Priscilla heard about Ryan through Reece’s Rainbow, a grant organization which helps fund adoptions for children with special needs.

With the help of Reece’s Rainbow, the Morse family adopted McKenzie from Russia in 2012.

Priscilla and David then also decided to adopt Ryan and get him on the road to recovery.

They brought him back home to their home in Tennessee, and their journey to bring him back to recovery began.

Ryan’s bones protruded from his body and his skin was very pale.

He was also covered in body hair, which is usually a last effort by the body to keep warm and sustain life.

Ryan has several diagnoses, including clubbed feet, cerebral palsy, microcephaly, dwarfism, scoliosis, and re-feeding syndrome.He also needs to undergo spinal surgery in the near future.

Despite all his ailments Ryan quickly showed some incredible progress and today, he is smiling, laughing and moving around on his own.

Priscilla said on Facebook:

“Given everything he’s gone through, he is an incredibly happy guy!

It was about a year ago when I started my fight for a feeding tube for Ryan,

“He was dying. Now, he is moving into 24m/2T clothing and weighs 23 lbs. His hair is thick and shiny; his skin is no longer pale, but a lovely olive shade that is representative of his Roma heritage.

His lips are full and pink and he just looks like a thriving, healthy little boy.

I am thankful to God for restoring this child,

I am thankful to God for answering my prayer to break my heart for what breaks His because it led me to this boy who all but owns me.”

Priscilla and David have shared Ryan’s story in the hope that it will encourage adoptive parents not to overlook children with special needs.

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