Kids Safety Network

Missing 11-Year-Old Florida Girl Was Lured By 24-Year-Old Man Posing As Young Girl On Minecraft

An 11-year-old girl from Florida who went missing was lured by a man who posed as a young girl on the popular Minecraft game, authorities have said.

The 11-year-old, Alice Amelia Johnson, was found in Georgia after she vanished from her Orlando home on Saturday night.

FBI agents and Florida officers tracked the girls cellphone to pinpoint to Macon, where police found her with a 24-year-old man at a Holiday Inn, reported WESH-TV.

“This is someone that she’s been communicating with online under the guise of being a female and basically has just pulled her into a trap, so to speak,” her father Steve Johnson told the broadcaster.

The girl and the man were apparently communicating through the Minecraft game.

Her parents were aware of the communication but the man claimed to be a young woman who lived in Illinois.

The parents never thought that she was in danger.

We felt like we were having oversight into her personal world … but there’s always just that danger that you’re not possibly, ya’ know keeping a close enough eye,” her father said.

John Peter Byrns of Illinois was identified as the 24-year-old man who posed as the girl, reported WGXA.

Byrns is now being held at the Bibb County Law Enforcement Center and is expected to be charged.

Mom Charged After Walking Into Hospital Carrying ‘Obviously Deceased’ Toddler


My heart completely breaks for people waiting to get pregnant or to adopt a kid who is going to be theirs forever.

Not everyone is given the privilege to raise a child in this world and be so influential – and that’s sad. Then you hear of stories of parents who just abuse or throw away their kids and it puts this into even more perspective.

Many people will believe Sierra Johnson is one of those who should never have been given the gift that is a child. She didn’t deserve it – that’s if the charges that are put against her turn out to be true.

But now, a little baby is dead.

According to police officers, a 20-year-old mother from Arkansas is facing criminal charges that stem from the death of her young daughter. Her boyfriend has also been charged in the murder and the details of the crime that police believe took place are heartbreaking.

When you become a parent, you make a promise that you will do everything you can to protect your child.

And sometimes you’re not able to protect them from every hurt or pain.

But something to the extent that police say this small 18-month-old girl had to put up with, it feels like her Mother really failed her.

According to PEOPLE, an 18-month-old baby girl has lost her life and police are looking at the girl’s mother, Sierra Johnson, and her boyfriend, Tyree Williams, as the ones responsible.

According to the reports, Sierra Johnson walked into an Arkansas emergency room cradling her 18-month-old daughter. The 20-year-old Mother is facing charges relating to the little girl’s death.

A statement from the Fort Smith Police Department confirms that Sierra Johnson was charged with permitting abuse to a minor, according to documents obtained by PEOPLE.

These charges come 2 weeks after the little girl was brought to the hospital.

Police say that the couple walked into the emergency room on January 30th at Sparks Hospital with the Mother carrying her daughter, Kylah Woodard, in her arms, who was “obviously deceased,” according to news station KHBS.

The police statement says that the 25-year-old live-in boyfriend to Sierra Johnson, Tyree Williams, was charged with the murder of the toddler.

The Mother was charged with permitting abuse after doctors were not able to resuscitate Kylah.

According to the police statement, Williams allegedly confessed to punching the toddler, Kylah Woodard, in the stomach.

Williams is now being held without bond after pleading not guilty.

Doctors nor police have determined Kylah’s exact cause of death. Police however, say that the little girl’s body was “severely” bruised.

Completely heartbreaking.

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