Kids Safety Network

Midwives Surprised By Baby Girl Born With Teeth

Collect picture of mum Samantha with baby Ella-Rose in hospital. First time mum Samantha Lines, 29 from Rugby in Warwickshire was left shocked when she discovered her newborn baby Ella-Rose already has two of her front teeth. See NTI story NTITEETH; A mother has been celebrating the birth of a 'miracle' baby - born with TWO front TEETH. Samantha Lines, 29, gave birth to Bella-Rose at George Eliot Hospital, Nuneaton, on February 6. The barmaid, who has previously had trouble conceiving and had a miscarriage, described the tot as her "little miracle". However, after coming round from a long birth, delivered by casarean section, Ms Lines was amazed to discover that her child had two front teeth. The new mother, of Rugby, Warks., said: "It was a complete surprise. "It was a cesarean section, so I was completely delirious with all the morphine and other drugs.

Any abnormalities during a pregnancy or birth is usually not a good thing.

Most parents expect things to go precisely as it says in the baby books, but most parents are in fact surprised when a baby is on the way.

This was certainly the case for Samantha Lines and her partner, Jason Doombs who tried for years to get pregnant.

Samantha and Jason were very happy when they finally learned they were having a baby. When Samantha went into labor, her daughter was born via a c-section.  Samantha went through a “long and difficult labor,” but eventually midwives delivered baby Ella-Rose.

Their baby girl named Ella-Rose was born perfectly healthy, however, when she opened her mouth to cry – Samantha’s midwives were stunned by what they saw!

Ella-Rose was born with something very rare – inside her little mouth, on her bottom jaw, were two little white teeth.

According to “the books”, most babies only start teething around six months, but little Ella-Rose was born with teeth already growing in her bottom jaw.

Samantha said, “I was completely delirious with all the morphine and other painkillers. Suddenly a midwife said my baby had two front teeth. It was a complete surprise.”

“Everyone was telling me how amazing it was that my baby had front teeth, but I had very little idea of how rare that is.

“It wasn’t until I came to and somebody told me that it actually sunk in that this was such a unique thing. The doctors have told me that it’s very rare for this to happen.”

Samantha now has to learn to breastfeed a baby with teeth.

She admitted to being nervous about it but is sure it will work out fine. 

 “Her teeth are only small,” Samantha said, “so hopefully it won’t be too painful. I’ve got bottles in case it is too difficult, but it seems fine at the moment.”

Doctors have warned Ella-Rose’s parents that her little teeth may fall out – which could be a choking hazard.

Samantha explained, “I’m not even sure whether or not I should be brushing them or not. They look very delicate, so I don’t know whether I should even be touching them at all.

“It’s just something extra to deal with on top of everything else. You’re trying to learn everything when you’re a new mum, but I need more guidance.”

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