Kids Safety Network

Marijuana Used To Save 2-Month-Old Baby

Parents will do anything to fight for their baby’s life and an Albuquerque couple is making history with the help of a Colorado hospital.

Amylea Nunez is just 2-month-olds and is using medical marijuana – cannabis oil – to treat seizures that she has had since the day she was born, and doctors have not been able to find the cause. “She has a rare form of epilepsy, They don’t know exactly the type.” Nicole Nunez Amylea’s mother explains.

Amylea has spent her little life in the neonatal intensive-care unit, of two hospitals.

“About a day after we went home from delivery is when she had her first seizure,”

The Children’s Hospital in Aurora, Colorado was there to help when Albuquerque Dr’s had no idea what else to do!

Amylea’s mother, Nicole, is at the hospital all day long while Amylea’s father, Ernie Nunez, is traveling back-and-forth to Albuquerque, for work and taking care of their other children.

It’s been a drastic change, it’s been so hard for all of us.” Ernie said.

Ernie says the most difficult part of the whole situation is his daughter’s treatment is that he is away from her and his wife for so much of the time.

Amylea has joined a case study on cannabis oil, which will require the family to keep her in the hospital for the next 4 months.

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