Kids Safety Network

Brave man saves toddler from her dads crazy beating

At a Vancouver, Wash. Motel, a father allegedly threw his 2-year-old daughter out of a window, then picked her up and repeatedly through her to the ground, stomping on her head.

The suspect is said to be 32-year-old, Kyle Stephen Holder.

A witness to the attack, Don Gilbert, confronted the man and hit him with a baseball bat outside the Motel.

According to Gilbert, Holder had been acting strange all day and that police even came out in the afternoon because of his strange behavior. “He was just babbling about how God is coming for everyone and he has to get the evil out of the daughter. He kept coming every time I moved between him and the baby. He’d charge me and I’d swing the bat.”

Don Gilbert

Sgt. Fred Nieman of the Clark County Sheriff’s Office said “The suspect was out of control. He also confirmed that “ Deputies ‘tased’ the suspect to bring him under control and take him into custody.”

The suspect was taken into custody and according to court documents, has made several statements to deputies about his actions.

“I did not want to kill her, but I had to. I had to hold my daughter and crush her head so she could go up to the sky”  

Holder was arrested and has been charged with attempted murder. Bail has been set at $1 million.

Gilbert has not been charged.

The 2-year-old was rushed to hospital and is now fighting for her life and if it weren’t for Gilbert, she would not have had a chance.

Gilbert, however, does not want to be called a hero. He said The question is, why wouldn’t somebody do this? If more people took time to care less about themselves and more about innocent people, we wouldn’t have the crap going on in the world we do now.”

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