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Kourtney Kardashian Attacked By Mom Shamers After Posting These Vacation Photos

Going on a family vacation, doesn’t really feel like a vacation when you’re a Mom, right?

You still need to make sure everyone’s packed, that you leave the house to get to the airport on time and that everyone’s fed and happy throughout the duration of the vacation.

With that in mind, reality television star Kourtney Kardashian is yet another celeb getting mommy shamed for going on vacation to Egypt with her boyfriend, Younes Bandjima.

Some people feel as though she’s making a huge mistake by not bringing her 3 kids along with her.

Here’s what some critics have to say when  Kourtney shared some  photos of her fun childless vacation in Egypt, with her boyfriend Younes.

According to her critics, is that she shouldn’t be there without her three children, Mason, Penelope and Reign.

Hundreds of thousands of fans have left her likes and comments in one of her photos near the Great Pyramid of Giza while some of the nasty comments from mommy shammers have included:

Don’t you have kids you’re supposed to be looking after instead of going on vacation with your gold digging fame leeching toy boy.

Kids with the nanny yet again??

This one is bad though:

You are a horrible mother. I hope your kids turn on you. Mason will see all the pictures of you and your little boy. Too bad your plane didn’t crash because they would be better without you in their lives.

Kourtney isn’t paying too much attention to her shakers though.

Kourtney had the best trip,” a source told People magazine. “She likes going to exotic places with him. They already have another trip planned. She seems very happy,” the insider said, adding that the Keeping Up With the Kardashians star “likes her relationship with Younes because it’s all fun and play.”

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