Kids Safety Network

Katherine Heigl Posted A Photo And People Quickly Call Out The Safety Concern

Parenting is not for the faint-hearted.

Relying on your instincts, figuring out what works best for you and your family, and following the basics of safety protocols is all part of the package.

Even with that, there are just so many ways to parent your child that it’s really hard to tell someone in a book format what to do, and to have them follow those guidelines.

And that may be stressful at times. How do you know if you’re doing something right — or wrong?

One thing you could do, is share your life online and chances are people will tell you how wrong you’re dong it.


So many can vouch for this – just ask Katherine Heigl.

The actress is a Mom to three gorgeous kids: Nancy, Adelaide, and here newest, and first boy, 1-year-old Joshua.

Katherine seems to really have a great life — she’s back at work on TV, now part of the show Suits.

She recently opened up about losing the baby weight after 14 months and feeling good.

But then she got jumped on for sharing a photo on social media.She posted a throwback photo of her now 1-year-old son, Joshua Jr along with a caption letting her fans know that she had rounded up her favorite products.

Every parent has a few favorite baby products they just can’t live without… and I’m no exception! Items that make life just that little bit easier – bringing peace of mind, saving precious time or simply bringing joy! ” the caption reads.

The photo is so adorable.

Of her son who is making the cutest face and he appears to be a couple of months old.

He’s got his lips pursed and he seems to be making a look that he’s not happy about something. It’s cute but apparently the photo is unsafe. And people didn’t hold back on sharing why.

“Not to be “one of those people” but the chest clip really needs to be at arm pit level!,” on Instagram user writes. The photo shows the little one strapped into what The Bump says is an UPPAbaby car seat.

Another writes, “Is no one else commenting on how his chest clip is too low and not tight enough?!”

And it doesn’t stop there.

Another person says, “With 55g of deceleration in a 30mph crash, I wouldn’t want a chest clip anywhere near my child. That is the equivalent of an adult male standing on a toddler’s chest! The crash test protocols are flawed.”

According to HelloMagazine, the chest clip isn’t legal in the UK (but Katherine Heigl is in the USA, but this info might explain some of the odd comments on her post).

The site says, “Chest clips aren’t used in the UK, as under current regulations, every car seat sold in the UK must have a single release mechanism. However, US guidelines state that it should be secured in line with the top of the child’s armpits.”And according to The Bump, that’s correct.

They say, “according to an AAP spokesblogger, the chest clip of a baby’s car seat should be snug at the center of the chest and at armpit level. But in Heigl’s photo, the clip rests over Joshua’s belly.”

We do believe that there is a better way to share the correct safety information with parents. And the people aren’t wrong — the chest clip isn’t proper in that photo. But it always just seems so mean?

Katherine Heigl isn’t the only celeb who has been corrected this way. Everyone from Kim Kardashian to Chrissy Teigen have been “schooled” online about the way the straps should be and that dang chest clip.

What do you think about this?

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