Kids Safety Network

Is Wi-Fi A Silent Killer?

Wi-Fi in the house has become the norm due to its convenience. However, safety concerns have been raised and the conclusion is that Wi-Fi can be detrimental to the overall health, especially in children.

Wi-Fi has a negative effect on a number of things, from brain health to sleep quality.

The non-thermal radio frequency radiation from Wi-Fi may disrupt normal cellular development, especially fetal development. This radiation may affect growing tissues, such as in children and youth. Consequently, they would be more susceptible than average to the described effects and are at greater risk of developmental issues.

Wi-Fi also affects sleep. If you feel like you cannot fall asleep, have an irregular sleeping pattern, this may be due to the low-frequency modulation from cell phones and Wi-Fi.

People exposed to electromagnetic radiation have a significantly more difficult time falling asleep.

Wi-Fi may also affect the concentration and the brain function. So, the brain activity is reduced, and as a result, you may experience trouble concentrating or have memory loss. Some people experience a real physical response to electromagnetic frequencies, including increased heart rate. Therefore, Wi-Fi may increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

The exposure to electromagnetic radiation may also increase the risk of tumor development. recommends the following to Protect Yourself from over exposure.

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