Kids Safety Network

iPhone Explodes And Catches Fire Near Baby

An iPhone explosion has resulted in a fire and burn marks for a Washington D.C. couple.

Things could have been so much worse, especially considering that their infant daughter was nearby when the phone ignited.

A mark on the bed and burn marks remain on Curtis Gilmore’s arm and his girlfriend DeAngela Miller’s leg.

The couple said it was all thanks to when an iPhone 6S Plus suddenly blew up.

The incident happened when the couple and their 3-month-old daughter were lying near the phone, which they said was not charging and hadn’t been used for a while.

We were just talking and something went pow. I bounced up and looked to see the phone was on fire,” Miller said.

The phone, in fact, belonged to Miller’s brother.

He picked it up, ran out with the phone and threw it out in the hallway. I immediately called the fire department.”

D.C. Fire & EMS said that the fire was out by the time they arrived and the couple is thankful the 3-month-old wasn’t hurt.

“It could have been way worse than what it was. I could have had it up to my face, ear or anything. My daughter could have been right there. I could have been playing, taking a picture of her and it blow up in her whole face. That doesn’t many any sense,” Gilmore said.

An Apple spokesperson says that the company will investigate to see what caused the explosion.

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