Everything about Beyoncé’s appearance at the 2018 Grammy Awards was just perfect, mostly thanks to her daughter, Blue Ivy.
Blu Ivy was looking bored so Queen B and Jay Z decided it was time for snacks. Queen Bey then had to hold all her random kid food.
Like, this is honestly just a photo of Beyoncé at the Grammy Awards holding a juice box as any normal mom would do – but obviously Twitter couldn’t cope.
motherhood be like: pic.twitter.com/eo8TsKDSDD
eatwords drinkstars (@akamami) January 30, 2018
This picture belongs on the cover of Parenting magazine. Bey brought the snacks and Jay is eating some too with Blue lol pic.twitter.com/76826DxwyD
Matthew A. Cherry (@MatthewACherry) January 29, 2018
While we were all looking for #Beyonce at the #Grammys, she was out getting snacks for #BlueIvy pic.twitter.com/jTjETJ9w5b
WDAS-FM (@wdasfm) January 30, 2018
hov eating blue ivy’s fruit snacks funny af but real at the same time. probably some shit i’d do. pic.twitter.com/51e6t1zk3j
JDR. ⛈ (@JayDotRain) January 29, 2018
We think it’s totally normal! No big deal
But still, it is a bit funny seeing the queen on Mommy duty!