Kids Safety Network

Infant Dies Days After Her Parents’ Suspected Drug Overdoses

5-month-old Summer Chambers  Found Dead

An infant in JOHNSTOWN, Pa has died in her bassinet of dehydration and starvation about 3 days after her parents died, also at home, from suspected drug overdoses, authorities have said.

Jason Chambers, 27, Chelsea Cardaro, 19, and 5-month-old Summer Chambers were found dead in their home.

Authorities said that Jason Chambers was found on the first floor, and Cardaro in a second-floor bathroom. The infant died in her bassinet in a second-floor bedroom.

Toxicology tests for the adults are still pending however officials said heroin overdoses are suspected as there was evidence of the drug at the scene.

District Attorney Kelly Callihan said she believes that the man and woman died within minutes of each other.

“We think that because, if not, one or the other would have called for help,” she said.

December the 11th was the last day that the family was seen and neighbours believed that they had taken a planned trip to New York, where they had lived until recently.

Johnstown police Capt. Chad Miller said:

“It’s an unfortunate incident where they both possibly overdosed at the same time – and being from out of town, not having anybody in town – it was too long for anybody to notice that they were missing,”

He said that emergency responders had been called to the home in November to treat the man after an overdose.

Thereafter, child welfare workers went to the home and met with the mother and father, with the baby present.

“They checked out the house, and it was appropriate to a child living there. There was plenty of food and the child seemed well taken care of,” she said.


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