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Incredible: Baby born dead at 5 months, 8 minutes later doctors are shocked by miracle

Bex and her husband Martin couldn’t be more excited about the birth of their daughter. During the course of the pregnancy, everything seemed to be going well.

Incredible: Baby born dead at 5 months, 8 minutes later doctors are shocked by miracle

And like many other parents to be, the couple had prepared everything in their house for the arrival of their baby.

But everything would take an unexpected turn — in an incident that would leave thousands shocked.

Bex and her husband Martin were thrilled when they were told they were going to have a baby. Like many parents to be, they had high expectations and couldn’t wait to hold their baby in their arms.

At first it seemed like everything was normal and Bex and Martin planned everything perfectly in time for the arrival of their baby.

But one day, when they went to see their doctor for a checkup, they found out that the baby had heart problems.

At five months, they were forced to have an emergency cesarean and just as the baby left the mother’s belly — her heart stopped beating.

The baby was born dead.


When the mom couldn’t hear any cries or screams coming from her newborn daughter, she knew something was wrong.

Bex started screamed desperately when she realized that her daughter was in fact dead.

A miracle
Bex couldn’t stop crying, but eight minutes later a real miracle would occur.

The doctors were trying their best to make the impossible happen and somehow — they managed.

With the help of electro-shock treatment, they managed to revive the baby, who’d been named Willow. The little girl was then taken to intensive care where doctors performed something that could very well have been taken from a science fiction movie.

In a procedure called ‘brain hypothermia’, also known as ‘cooling therapy’, they placed the girl in an incubator and lowered her body temperature to 91,4 °F. The reason is to make sure that there is no permanent damage to the brain due to lack of oxygen during those long minutes.

Willow remained in that treatment for four days. During this time, her parents were not even able to touch her hands.

Bex and Martin were by Willow’s side the whole time, hoping that Wilow would get stronger by the day.

“She didn’t cry for four weeks. Because she had so many tubes and they hurt her throat, she didn’t know how to cry,” Bex told The Mirror. “It’s strange, but all we wanted was to hear our baby cry.”

After four days inside of the incubator, the little girl’s temperature was stabilized and luckily she was left with no brain damage. This will allow her to lead a normal life.

The Recovery
It’s been almost a year and a half since Willow was born and she seems to be fine.

“She has just been amazing in her recovery. We have been told there is still a risk that she could suffer developmental issues, but so far she is perfectly fine,” dad Martin told The Mirror. “Now she’s just a perfectly healthy baby.”


The advancements made in medical treatments are just mind-blowing. Thank goodness everything went well and Willow will be able to live a life full of love together with her parents.

I wish her all the luck in the world and I hope she has a very happy life!

A big thanks to these doctors and nurses for saving little Willow’s life. The work done by medical staff is priceless — what would we do without them? They are true heroes!

Please feel free to click on the “share” button to share this touching story with your friends and family on Facebook.

Source: Newsner.

“The best feeling that you’ll ever have is…”

Viral: Store THINKS He’s Just Stocking Shelves. When They Find Out What He’s REALLY Up To…

While it seems like the summer just started up, the school is quickly approaching. As fun as the summer is, kids get excited to go back. They get to see their friends every day. They want to find out who their new teachers will be. They especially want to show off their cool and new “back to school” gear. However, for some families, new school supplies doesn’t always fit in the budget. When living paycheck to paycheck, sometimes kids don’t get to start off the year with some sweet new supplies.

Walmart does what they can with their low-priced school supplies. They’ve also paired up with a few organizations, working together to get school supply donations for kids who aren’t as fortunate as others.

A Walmart in Bryant, Arkansas, was especially surprised after they found out what one of their employees had been doing.

Kristopher Hudson is an 18-year-old man, working his summer away, trying to save up money for college.

He plans on attending Pulaski Tech in North Little Rock this year and as we all know, college practically costs an arm and a leg these days. Despite his hefty tuition bill, Kristopher puts aside part of his paycheck each week and buys a bunch of school supplies to donate. One week, he bought 309 items and donated them all to the United Way organization.

Kristopher hopes to make his mother proud who always told him to encourage others. He’s not only encouraging kids to go to school and have fun, but his actions have encouraged others to donate to the cause. He said

“The best feeling that you’ll ever have is when you get to help someone out. I want to get the world to be a little happier. I want to make people smile.”

Well, I think you’ve done a pretty great job so far, Kristopher!

People on Facebook are also going crazy over Kristopher’s story.

He’s a great role model for the younger generation and we need more people in the world like him. Share if you agree!

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