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Husband Stops For Chicken Nuggets While His Wife Was In Labour

Childbirth is such a miraculous thing. To witness a new baby come into the world is just something that human beings have marveled at since the beginning of time.

It’s so magnificent, it’s beautiful (and messy) and according to a fast-food-loving North Carolina man, it’s best enjoyed with a tummy full of delicious chicken nuggets.

Wes and Lacey Cope were expecting their fourth child – and when Lacey’s waters broke, the parents made their way to the hospital.

However, instead of shooting straight there in a rush like they do in the movies, Wes decided to take a detour.

Image credit: Mike Kalasnik/Creative Commons

It seems that by the fourth child, the novelty wears off a bit and it really becomes more about … chicken nuggets rather than witnessing the dawn of a new life?

“She was relaxed, and I was starving,” Wes told the Charlotte Observer not to long after their son Finn Sullivan Cope was born.

That’s correct, en route to the maternity unit, the couple stopped by their local branch of Chik-fil-A to get some birthing snacks.

“If you want Chick-fil-A to move fast, tell them your wife’s in labour. They did,” Wes told the Charlotte Observer.

It seems that as Lacey is such an expert at giving birth she was totally relaxed and happy enough for her hungry, hungry husband to smash a few nugs into his face to prep himself for the action.

But Dads…. if you’re expecting a baby in the near future, it’s probably not such a good idea to stop off for pre-birth nuggets – unless you’re looking for a divorce or an expensive valet bill as well as an embarrassing story to tell the grandkids.

Chik-fil-A made is used to making headlines.

A branch of the fast-food chain in Alabama has recently been in the news after entering into a hilarious back-and-forth battle of wits with a neighboring restaurant.The drama began when Chick-fil-A used its outside signboard to announce a new Smokehouse BBQ Sandwich.

This, of course, did not go down well with adjacent Moe’s Original Bar B Que, which was quick to hit back, by posting “I thought we were friends,” followed by a pointed “Open Sundays” underneath, on its own billboard.

Chik-fil-A saw the message and opened up a back-and-forth with the rival sandwich shop.

Image credit: Facebook

Fans on social media have been loving the exchange between the two, which had thousands of shares on Moe’s Facebook page.

“I just love this.. I have laughed so hard! I’ll be going to Moe’s tomorrow, Chick-fil-A Wednesday,” said one social media user.


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