Kids Safety Network

Girl Moans Her Jeans Hurt Her Then A Few Days Later A Hole Forms In Her Leg

Five-year-old, Kailyn Donovan from Mendon, Massachusetts, was a healthy little girl.

While routinely checking for ticks, her parents, Kristine and Josh Donovan, noticed a small purple mark on the back of her leg.

The parents thought it looked like a small pinch or bruise, so they hesitantly sent her to school as usuall. When the school called them and said Kailyn had come down with a fever, Kristine knew that something was wrong.

They took the little girl to the doctor, who immediately sent them to the emergency room. The Doctor suspected Kailyn had been bitten by a spider, but they didn’t know at that time, that it was a black widow.

The hospital sent her home with antibiotics and her fever went away, so they thought she was getting better. She was able to attend her preschool graduation, however she went to the hospital again after the event because of her mom’s intuition.

The Mom said, “I had a feeling that the bite didn’t look right. It started to get really nasty.”

The hospital gave her another antibiotic, and the girl was officially diagnosed with a black widow spider bite.

Kailyn is feeling better after taking the antibiotic and is making a speedy recovery. “As a precaution, [Kristin] Donovan plans to spray around her house, hoping to kill any venomous spiders that may remain,” according to CBS.

Although black widow spider bites are uncommon, it’s important that you’re aware of the potential dangers and risks of venomous spiders and the symptoms that may occur.

If you suspect that you or your child has been bitten by a spider, it’s important to get professional help immediately. By doing that, you can prevent serious injury, illness and even death.

The girl’s parents are hoping that others can learn from their story and that parents should always listen to their intuition when they think something’s wrong with their child.

The Mom said, “We just want parents to trust your instincts. If you feel something doesn’t look right, just keep going to the doctor to find out what it is.”

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