Kids Safety Network

Girl Dies After Using Too Much Deodorant

A family has been left shocked after their 12-year-old daughter, Paige, died from using too much deodorant.

According to her family, Paige was fanatical with spraying herself using aerosol deodorant and used it as though it was “going out of fashion.” The girl reportedly overused the product so much in her room, that the butane and isobutane from the fumes caused her to pass out.

Her parents found her face down and then rushed Paige to the hospital. She died 2 hours later, despite numerous attempts to save her. According to the forensic pathologist, Dr. Jonathan Metcalfe, the cause of death was ‘”inhalation of volatile substances.”

“Analysis of brain samples revealed two substances present in aerosols – they are known as volatile substances. They are known to be present in deodorant which was present at the scene,” Dr. Metcalfe said. “Their presence is consistent with inhalation. Death may result from the toxicological effects. The substances are butane and isobutane. There was no natural disease that has contributed to her death.”

There was not any evidence of chronic use, which means she wasn’t huffing the fumes on purpose.

She would spend hours in the bedroom and would spray and spray as she didn’t want to smell,” said the Mother . “She used to spray it in small rooms and I used to tell her off. I suppose that’s something every 12-year-old girl would do, spraying deodorant. But she was overusing deodorant – it was more than we would have expected any girl to put on.”

Following a police investigation, coroner Alan Wilson said, “This is the unintentional consequences of a deliberate act. Paige was inhaling the fumes from the deodorant but what she didn’t [intend] is the consequences. It’s most likely that inhaling those fumes has most probably led to her heart rhythm being affected and led to her death.”

Her family is left heartbroken and hopes that other parents are left with a warning to make sure their kids understand the consequences of their actions, regardless of how extreme you may think it is.

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