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A Girl That Was Born Without A Face Proved That She Can Outlive

A Girl That Was Born Without A Face Proved That She Can Outlive What The Doctors Said Her Span Of Life Would Just BeTrending News Portal

A little girl from Brazil was born without a normal face. Even the doctors said that she’ll only live for a few hours so they told her parents to go home, wait for their child’s death and prepare a funeral for their daughter.

Vitória Marchioli, the unfortunate faceless girl is from Barra de Sao Francisco, Brazil. She was born with Treacher Collins syndrome, it is a condition where the facial bones of a baby do not develop normally.

According to the Genetics Home Reference, Treacher Collins syndrome is “a condition that affects the development of bones and other tissues of the face. The signs and symptoms of this disorder vary greatly, ranging from almost unnoticeable to severe. Most affected individuals have underdeveloped facial bones, particularly the cheek bones, and a very small jaw and chin (micrognathia). Some people with this condition are also born with an opening in the roof of the mouth called a cleft palate. In severe cases, underdevelopment of the facial bones may restrict an affected infant’s airway, causing potentially life-threatening respiratory problems”.


But Vitoria defied the odds of her condition by proving that she can live longer than what the doctors told her parents. Vitoria just celebrated her 9th birthday and the medical experts said that she was able to live long because of her family’s care and devotion for her.


In an interview, Vitoria’s father, Ronaldo, said, “Doctors can’t explain how she has lived so long, but they believe it is down to our care and the love we have for her that has kept her alive. We’re hoping to continue fundraising to give our daughter a better quality of life and giving her the best appearance we can. We fight for her so that she can look better and have a better quality of life. We love her and are thankful for having her alive.”

In 50,000 people, only one person suffers from Treacher Collins syndrome.



Vitoria’s condition was diagnosed when she was just two days old. It was when she was transferred to a unit of a specialist.

She then underwent eight surgeries after discovering her condition. Her father stated that, “Doctors told us she would not survive and that she only had one or two hours to live, they didn’t give her any chance of survival. She was transferred to a specialist unit at another hospital in the capital to get more information on her health and the condition. She does not have a well-defined bone structure because 40 of the bones in her face did not form, which affected her eyes too. She does not have any life expectancy, we do not know how long she will survive, we didn’t expect her to make it until her ninth birthday but are so grateful she has.”




Vitoria’s father also stated that her family is suffering from bullying because of his daughter’s condition. He said that his other daughters also suffer verbal abuse because of their sister’s appearance. he said “We have been verbally abused and rejected by the public because of the appearance of our daughter. Even our other daughters have told us that children at school verbally abuse them for the appearance of Vitória.”

However, it seems that not all people are appreciating or seeing the efforts of Vitoria’s parents and called them selfish for keeping her.



But there are also some who thinks that they did a wonderful job at keeping Vitoria alive.


What do you think of this story? Do you know anyone who also suffers Treacher Collins syndrome? Post your comments below and like Kid Safety Network for more stories like this!

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