Kids Safety Network

Father Puts Baby up for Adoption. 24 Years Later, He Finds Out He’s Been Beside Her for Months

You know the saying “It’s a small world”?

This could not be more true for Will Russell, who had placed his daughter Amy up for adoption when she was an infant.

He met his 24-year old daughter, Amy, in July 2012 – but the story of how they met is what makes this story so unique.

Will was not very young when Amy was born. He was weighed down by alcoholism and couldn’t afford to provide for her so he put her up for adoption in hopes that she would make a better life for herself.

Will was able to overcome his alcoholism in the years that followed and in 2004 he completely stopped drinking alcohol and completely turned his life around. He became a pastor in 2007 and dedicated his life to working with those who were living with the struggles he faced earlier in his life.

In 2012 he found Phoenix Rescue Mission and began volunteering his time there teaching discipleship classes.

This is how he and Amy crossed paths again.

Amy had started volunteering at the same mission in March of 2012, just a month before her father. She said,

When I first began volunteering at the mission, I instantly felt like I needed to be there.”

Amy, however, knew there was something missing in her life – she wanted to know who her biological father. Through social media, she was able to track down a few of her biological siblings who gave her Will’s number.

When she called the number, Will answered.

“It took a lot for me to make that phone call,” she said. “I was really nervous, but it was definitely something I felt like I needed to do.”

Will was completely overjoyed himself that his daughter had reached out to him.

“I had been praying that she would come into my life,” he said. “Receiving that phone call was as if God said, ‘I heard you.’ 

They met for breakfast that very next day where they laughed and enjoyed each other’s company until Will needed to leave.He told her he was scheduled to serve at Phoenix Rescue Mission and Amy was left speechless.

She told him that she also volunteered at the mission and they realized they had been working at the same place for a few months and didn’t even know it!

They worked in different departments within the mission and had never noticed each other. Although they missed meeting one another by a few months, they are satisfied with how it all turned out.

“God has perfect timing,” Amy says.

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