Kids Safety Network

Father, Newborn Daughter Die A Week Apart

A family in Missouri is devastated after a father of 4 was shot and killed while at lunch.

Scott Beary’s death last Wednesday came just one week after he and his wife lost their premature baby girl born at 22 weeks.

It was a discussion over the size of a German Shepard at a local bar turned into a deadly shooting.

“He is the greatest guy and I just wonder if the guy even knew what Scott had been through would it have been any different?”said Jeana Sellenschuetter, Beary’s employer and friend.

Sellenschuetter of CSM Construction said her employees, Beary and Ryan Jacobsmeyer, stopped at Show-Me’s for lunch while waiting on a work truck to be repaired.

“A guy yelled something horrible and mean and Scott turned around and Ryan said next thing you know he heard four pops,” Sellenschuetter said.

Show-Me’s owner described Jacobsmeyer as “more than heroic.” The father of 4 was shot in the arm, but tried his best to revive Beary who died at the scene.

The Beary family had suffered another loss just days before.

“Jocelyn was born 14 ounces and she lived for 11 days and we buried her Friday,”

Sellenschuetter said, “It’s all new and we’re still in shock about the baby so this is even more shocking so now Kristy Beary is planning another funeral and we were just there not even a week ago, and we’re going to be there again saying goodbye to an unbelievable guy.”

It’s another emotional and financial hardship for Beary’s wife Kristy Beary and her 3 teenagers.

Her friends set up a Go Fund Me page in memory of her husband and daughter.

“He’s up there with baby J holding her and loving her,” Sellenschuetter said.

‘Police did this to mommy’: Woman injured during arrest at DC bus stop

Metro transit police reportedly slammed a woman to the ground to arrest her for not paying to get on a bus.

“When I look in the mirror all I say is ‘why me?’ Like why did this have to happen,” Diamond Rust told reporters.

The arrest reportedly happened at a bus stop on Alabama Avenue in Southeast, D.C. on Tuesday.

Rust was locked up and charged with fare evasion and resisting arrest.

Metro Transit Police claims that the Ballou STAY High School student walked past the fare box and sat down.

Just moments later, an undercover officer on the bus told Rust to get off.

“I’m pacing back and forth like ‘can you hurry up?’ He said he felt threatened with me pacing back and forth,” Rust explained.

However, Rust admitted that she did not stop pacing and kept on walking.

According to the police report, Rust kept putting her hand in her pockets and ignored the officer’s commands before things escalated.

He said I was resisting. He pushed me to the fence,” Rust recalled.

Police said that the 20-year-old kept pulling away and an officer slammed her to the ground to finish the arrest.

“The girl lifted my face up and I seen her — my daughter like right there crying. That’s when I started crying,” Rust said.

Rust’s face burst wide open, 4 of her teeth were broken, and her knee was fractured.

“My son he don’t even like looking at me now. My daughter keeps saying police did this to mommy,” she said.

Rust, who plans to graduate from Ballou STAY High School this year, has a DC One card which allows her to ride for free. However, Rust did not have the card with her on the day of the arrest.

A picture of a property bag showed the 20-year-old had cash as well as two smart trip cards when she was arrested.

WUSA9 asked if Rust would have done anything differently.

She said, “No. because this is just the person I am.”

Rust was taken to the hospital after her arrest and plans to file a complaint with Metro.

Metro Transit Police would not comment further on the case.

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