Kids Safety Network

Father Arrested After Teacher Discovers What A Student Was Searching On iPad

A San Antonio elementary school teacher was completely shocked when she discovered what one of her students was searching for on a school iPad. She was however even more troubled when she found out why the child was looking at it, so she called authorities.

Discovering a student searching for sexual content on a school device must be incredibly dreadful, but even more so when that kid is just at the elementary level.

After asking the student, the Elm Creek Elementary school teacher was forced to take action which resulted in criminal charges. According to the Houston Chronicle, the girl told her teacher that she was searching for what one of her relatives does to her at night, and stated that it happens “all the time at night,” and that she never gets any sleep.

The teacher took what the child said seriously and contacted child protective services, who responded to the school and spoke with the child. The girl told authorities that the abuse had been happening since she was at least 8-years-old, and always in her home.

Anthony Garay was arrested and charged with continuous sex abuse of a child. The arrest affidavit states that he had been sexually assaulting the girl and her sister for more than a year.

Garay remains in the Bexar County Jail on a $75,000 bond and it was revealed that the he had previously been investigated by CPS for the sexual abuse of the girls, although the results of that investigation are unclear.

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