Kids Safety Network

Family Shares Heartbreaking Photo Of Sick Man At Bedside Of Dying Granddaughter

Braylynn Lawhorn is a girl dying from cancer.

Her grandfather, Sean Peterson, is an ALS sufferer, and is having a hard time comprehending why his granddaughter is being forced to say good-bye after only being on this Earth for 5 years.

Their story is one that is getting a lot of attention, and here’s why.

Ally Parker had never imagined that she would have to say goodbye to both her daughter and her father at the same time.

But sadly, that’s exactly the situation she is in right now.

Ally’s daughter is dying from brain cancer while her father might not make it to his next birthday. They are spending their last moments near Braylynn’s hospital bed.

Ally took a picture of the two together and it’s not what you would normally expect.

Braylyyn’s grandfather Sean may no longer be able to articulate words, but you can clearly see the pain on his face.

This photo definitely pulls at your heartstrings, and it’s actually hard to look at it.

Ally probably finds it hard to speak about, but this photo is one way for her to convey her unspeakable pain.

Braylynn and her Grandfather Sean’s photo is going viral – Braylynn Lawhon is a little girl who is suffering from cancer.

Yet, just one month ago she was living a normal life. She was excited about Christmas, playing with her school friends and spending time with her family. She was just like any typical kid of her age until her mother got the shock of her life.

Her mother, Ally Parker, just found out that she has a deadly form of brain cancer called Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma (DIPG), and that sadly, there is no cure.

It gets worse. Ally’s father, Sean Peterson, suffers from Motor Neurone Disease and can no longer speak.

Despite funds being raised for an extremely expensive treatment for Lawhon, the young girl took a turn for the worse at the beginning of January, with doctors discovering a bleed coming from the tumor.

There was a little bit of hope for Braylynn and her family until last week.

The family was excited to announce that they had raised enough funds to complete one round of experimental treatment in Mexico. Not covered by insurance, each procedure costs about $30,000, and due to the aggressive nature of this cancer, several rounds are needed for success.

She then added, “I have been in her bed most of the time, a photographer came for a few hours, my dog Sadie (The one whose bed Braylynn takes over all the time) is here, and we’re just waiting for Aunt Wu to get here to say her goodbyes. Today has been extremely difficult and I have no idea how I’m going to handle the next couple of hours. No one is handling this well…”

Our hearts go out to this family and any one who is going through a difficult time with their loved ones right now.


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