Kids Safety Network

Eagle Swoops And Then Tries To Lift Young Boy Away! (Pictures)

The BBC News Australia, are reporting that a wedge-tailed eagle tried to fly away with a terrified boy at a popular wildlife show in central Australia. 

In what most of been a terrifying moment for the spectators and all involved, the huge eagle tried swooped down and tried to pick him up ‘like a small animal’ 

Luckily it was a narrow escape! The boy, believed to be aged between six and eight years old – escaped with only a ‘superficial’ gash to the face. YIKES!

The eagle has now been removed from future shows for the time being..

Christine O’Connell from Horsham in Victoria state was visiting the park with her husband on 6 July when the attack occurred. She told the BBC the eagle flew straight for the boy from about 15m away.

Distracted by the noise, the eagle grabbed the boy’s green hoodie and attempted to lift him away before park staff moved in, Mrs O’Connell said.

“The bird then flew over the crowd and tried to grab on to a young boy’s head. He screamed, the mother was distraught and the presenters wrapped up the show very quickly.”

The park issued a statement to the media after being contacted about the event.

“On Wednesday, 6 July, an incident occurred at the Alice Springs Desert Park where an eagle made contact with an audience member,” the park said in a statement.

“A thorough investigation regarding the circumstances behind this incident is under way and the eagle will be removed from the show while this investigation is ongoing.”

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