Kids Safety Network

Dogs Euthanized After 8-Week-Old Baby Mauled To Death

A tragedy has occurred in Texas after an 8-week-old baby boy died after being mauled by the family pets.

Sources say that the baby boy was in his bassinet when the parents stepped away. That’s when the family’s dogs, a giant schnauzer mix and a Labrador retriever mix, apparently attacked the infant. The baby was reportedly mauled mainly in his torso area.

The Parents called 911, but the little boy’s life could not be saved.

“I just broke down when I heard about the baby, I didn’t expect that,” said neighbor Maria Medina, who saw the ambulance take the little baby away. “It was, I have no words for it, it was really bad.”

The dogs, both named Jack, were quarantined by BARC, Houston’s animal control agency and on Sunday, the father of the little boy officially turned over the dogs to animal control officers.

The dogs were euthanized and have been tested for rabies.


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