Kids Safety Network

Dog Waits On Porch Of Emty Home After Family Reportedly Moves Away

Dogs are loyal, intelligent creatures who don’t always understand why people do the things they do. So many of them simply trust the people in charge of them that they don’t know how to react when those people abuse or abandon them.

Cupid is one of those pups who clearly did not understand why his owners left him and never came back — but there are plenty of humans who don’t get it, either.

When his owners moved away from their home in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, and left their dog behind, he waited and waited and waited until neighbors called the Speranza Animal Rescue to say the pup had been abandoned and was still patiently waiting for his owners to return.

Janine Guido went to investigate, and what she saw broke her heart.

The medium-sized dog with a graying muzzle was scrounging for food near a dumpster when she spotted him, but he quickly ran back and stationed himself on “his” front porch once he saw her.

“When I approached your doorstep, your dog frantically jumped up and scratched at the door — begging for you to let him in,” the post from Speranza Animal Rescue read.

When the door wouldn’t open, the dog — terrified — ran off and disappeared. The next time Guido showed up, the same thing happened. But the third time, Cupid seemed to finally realize that his family wasn’t coming back, and that this friendly stranger was offering him hope.

“The next time he came back to your porch i spoke to him and told him im here to help. Help to get him off the streets,” the post continued. “At that moment it was like your dog understood. He didnt bolt. He walked up to me and sat down. Allowing me to leash him.”

“I cried as i put your dog into my car. And even though I probably sounded crazy I explained to your dog what was going on the whole ride home.”

While it’s unclear exactly what the circumstances were surrounding Cupid’s abandonment, all the neighbors could tell Guido was that his family “had moved.”

“I asked multiple other people if they knew anything about the dog and they just said, ‘They moved out,’” she told The Dodo.

Once he was rescued, Cupid showed his softer side.

“He has been nothing but the sweetest gentleman since coming to the rescue,” Guido said. “You can tell he’s still really confused. But he is happy to meet everyone with a wagging tail.”

“He is nothing but the sweetest soul,” the shelter shared in an update on Thursday. “Hes a little guy- around 45-50 pounds. And as you can see he has hair loss and some scarring on his body/hind end.”

According to the rescue, Cupid loves giving hugs. He still needs medical care and evaluations, but people are already lining up to offer this very good boy a forever home, where his loyalty will be appreciated and reciprocated.

“We received over 50 applications for him,” the shelter explained in a post from Sunday. “We know he’s super cute and he has a sad story, but so do many others. We have so many amazing dogs that are available for adoption, please consider one of them.”

While this particular dog’s past is tear-jerking, if the other 49 of those willing to open their home to Cupid would adopt another homeless pup, that would be the perfect ending to this sad tale. Thanks to caring people sharing Cupid’s story, he’ll likely have a home in no time, but every dog has a story and needs a loving family.

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