Kids Safety Network

Disturbing Video of High School Cheerleaders Forced into Splits Leads to Investigation

Disturbing Video of High School Cheerleaders Forced into Splits Leads to Investigation

A very disturbing video of Denver East High School cheerleaders being forced into the splits at cheer camp has surfaced. In the video, you can hear one cheerleader screaming, crying, and begging her coach to stop.

As a parent, this is very concerning. The video shows that she is clearly in excruciating pain. Imagine being the mother or father of this high schooler, and having to see your teenage daughter go through an unspeakable amount of suffering.

The actions of the coaches ultimately led to a police investigation and additionally, placed multiple faculty members on leave. Currently, no decisions have been made and the investigation is still ongoing.

After the investigation went public, the following statement was released:

“We absolutely prohibit any practices that place our students’ physical and mental health in jeopardy. We do not and will not allow any situation in which a student is forced to perform an activity or exercise beyond the point at which they express their desire to stop.”

Watch the video below for more information. WARNING: It may be very difficult for certain readers to watch. What would you do if something like this happened to your child? Share your thoughts in our Facebook comments.

In other family news, Walmart recently recalled one of their food products. The product was reportedly linked to a harmful disease. Please read and share this important information with friends and family to keep them safe. Thank you!

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