Kids Safety Network

‘Disgusted’ Mother Discovers Used Needles On McDonald’s Baby Changing Table

Mother claims that she found used needles on a baby changing table inside a McDonald’s restaurant.

Jade Krotke, said that she was dining with family and friends at a McDonald’s restaurant in Plymouth, England. During the meal, she said that she and her husband went to change their 8-month-old baby, Olivia, when the incident occurred.

“While he was lifting her out of the [stroller] I pulled the unit down and heard the clang of a metal dish. I was immediately in shock and suddenly realized the packaging was needles,” Krotke said to Metro UK.

The Mom said she was “disgusted” by the needles and worried about “all sorts of diseases” her daughter could have caught.

“I really do think they were put there maliciously to injure someone,” she said to Metro. “Olivia is so precious to us and the thought of me just putting her on a baby change table and seriously hurting her makes me shiver.”

“I’m not judging them for their habit, but please don’t put others are risk,” she added. “You could have put them in the [trash] bin or even attempted to flush them. But putting them inside a baby changing unit, there are no words for you.”

McDonald’s has since apologized for the incident and issued a statement saying “hygiene and safety” was of “paramount importance,” Metro reported. The fast food chain has assured that the baby changing facility was checked often.

The statement also indicated that the “items were disposed of safely” once the manager was made aware of the issue.

Krotke said that she will not be returning to the restaurant and warns parents to be “extra vigilante” about using public diaper changing tables.

“I just want to urge parents to be extra vigilant when using baby changing facilities and check everything before putting your child down. I know it is hard work being a parent but I can’t even imagine what would have happened if I hadn’t seen the needles,” she told reporters.

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