Kids Safety Network

Devastated Mother Shares Heartbreaking Photo Of Daughter On Deathbed From Drug Overdose

After a Mother lost her 22-year-old daughter to a lethal drug overdose, she vowed to “fight” for the rest of her life to make sure that all drug dealers on the streets in her area get locked up.

The Mom shared a photo of her daughter’s last moment, in the hope of warning other parents and addicts of the dangers of drug abuse.

I’m going to fight for the rest of my life to make sure the people down here on the street selling this to people, need to be locked up,” mother Cheryl Towery said.

Towery’s daughter, Elaina, who had battled drug addiction since 2010, sadly died after overdosing on heroin, which was believed to be laced with fentanyl, a man-made opioid for controlling serious pain, which is 80 to 500 times stronger than morphine.

She’s my only daughter, my best friend,” Towery, 49, said.

Towery said that her daughter overdosed five times and has been sent to five treatment centers however this time was fatal.

“They cannot control it,” her mother said. “It took me seven years to get to this point.” On the heartbreaking evening of her death, Elaina and a friend stopped at a Burger King in Detroit.

“She pulled in here to use the restroom and after 20-25 minutes, he thought it was odd she didn’t come back out,” Towery said.

Elaina was found unconscious in the restroom and then sent to Sinai-Grace Hospital nearby.

“I wasn’t prepared for what I saw in the emergency room,” Towery said. “Because that’s the worst I’ve ever seen her.”

Elaina’s mother said that her daughter’s liver and kidneys were failing and that her muscles were deteriorating. A scan showed no sign of activity in her brain. The heartbreaking mother was then forced to take her beloved daughter off life support.

Towery shared the photo of her daughter’s last moment on social media before Elaina was removed off life support. She hopes that her post will help raise awareness of the grave consequences of drug abuse.

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