Kids Safety Network

Desperate Dad Dresses Up As Peppa Pig To Raise Money For Sick Daughter’s Medical Treatment

A desperate father has recently been dressing up as Peppa Pig while selling Chinese pancakes outside of a hospital in Jinan, trying to do whatever he can to raise money for his sick daughter’s medical treatment.

Back in 2016, Zhou Yingfang’s daughter, who was then 2 years old at the time, was diagnosed with diabetes. He then relocated from the family’s home in Yangzhou district, Shandong province to the provincial capital of Jinan, where he began working odd jobs to earn more money.

Zhou desperately needs the funds because his daughter’s medical bills are piling up. Already, he said that he has spent 230,000 yuan paying for his daughter’s treatment, he had to borrow 160,000 yuan of that amount from friends and family, according to The Paper.

Eventually, the desperate Dad decided to use his daughter’s favorite cartoon character to help raise more money. Wearing a Peppa Pig costume to attract attention, he began selling pancakes on the street with the help of his eldest daughter.

The place where his family is from is well known for its jianbing.Zhou says that he hopes to raise 200,000 yuan — what it would cost for his daughter to undergo a stem cell transplant in Beijing.

Pricing his jianbing at 5 yuan a piece, it would mean that he would have to sell at least 40,000 pancakes.

Luckily, Zhou says that after learning about his daughter’s situation, many kind-hearted customers pay him a good deal extra for the pancakes.

Still, Zhou says that his daughter’s situation is very serious and that she risks losing her eyesight or having her leg amputated if she is not properly treated in time.

Sadly, this kind of story is depressingly familiar in China.

Without enough money to cover their loved ones’ high medical costs, people have been forced to resort to selling flowersblow-up sex dolls, or even their virginity to raise some cash.

[Images via The Paper]


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