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Demi Lovato Praised For Talking About Her Cocaine Abuse

Simply Complicated is a new documentary that was released by Demi Lovato that provides her fans with an unexpected insight into her life.

In the documentary, Demi is very honest about her drug use which dates back to when she was only 17 years of age and still working on Disney Channel, and later stayed at a stay-in rehab in 2010.

Demi also revealed that she had relapsed after two years of sobriety and was using cocaine at the time that she was promoting her sobriety in public.

“I wasn’t working my programme, I wasn’t ready to be sober. I was sneaking cocaine on planes, I was sneaking it in bathrooms, sneaking it throughout the night. I went on a bender of like, two months, where I was using daily. I was using while I had a sober companion, and I went through about 20 different sober companions. I would sneak out and get drugs, I would fake my drug tests with other people’s pee.” – Demi Lovato

Demi Lovato also mentions and discusses an incident where she mixed cocaine and Xanax and feared that she had overdosed. She explained how one night she had used a bunch of cocaine, followed by popping a few Xanax bars and beginning to choke. She felt her heart start to race and accelerate and thought to herself “Oh my God, I might be overdosing right now”.

Phil McIntyre, Demi’s manager, revealed that during one point, Demi was conducting interviews in which she stated that she is living a new and clean life while still using drugs. He also mentioned when he managed to implore Demi into getting help and staging an intervention where he told her that the whole team would leave unless she got help.

Demi stated that a crucial factor that helped her get her act together was the that her parents had banned her from seeing her sister until she was clean off drugs and sober.

Demi stated that by publicly addressing her addictions and drug use, she can help convey the struggles of recovery.

“I think what was difficult about the process was being honest about where I am in my life today. Telling the world that I’m not the poster child for recovery. Sometimes it’s a struggle, and sometimes I still deal with issues that I have suffered from in the past. It’s a challenge to maintain recovery.” – Demi Lovato

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