Kids Safety Network

Daughter Writes Sweet ‘Mom Be Brave’ Message in Snow Outside Mother’s Hospital Window

A mother and daughter from Guatemala have inspired cancer patients and their loved ones across the U.S. with a story that began with a message written in the snow.

Michele Schambach, 65, is battling an advanced brain cancer called oligodendroglioma, WJBK-TV reported.

Her doctor in Guatemala recommended Schambach visit the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio for treatment, which she did last October.

Schambach’s second visit to the U.S. earlier this month left her feeling defeated, the Cleveland Clinic told WJBK.

Schambach, who was a teacher in Latin America before retirement, was “feeling down about her blood counts not improving and being so far from home,” a clinic representative said.

Seeing her mother’s broken spirit, Marie Schambach, Michele’s daughter and a physician in Guatemala, wanted to help.

Marie Schambach told CNN that she had never seen snow before, and since a fresh blanket had recently fallen on the cold Ohio ground, she seized the opportunity to make her mother smile.

“I looked out the window and saw a big blank slate, and thought I could write something on it,” Marie said.

On the lawn below her mother’s window, Marie chiseled out a large, heartwarming message in the snow: “MOM BE BRAVE.”

She knew her mother would love it.

She said she was hoping other patients would see the message in the snow and feel like “somebody else cares,” CNN reported.

A photo of the message quickly caught fame after the Cleveland Clinic posted it on social media, even reaching the eyes of some of Schambach’s former students whom she had taught 30 years ago.

Marie said several students reached out to her mother to say they were thinking of her during her cancer battle.

“So happy to have so many people praying for my mom. It makes her smile,” Marie said.

While doctors told the Schambachs the cancer treatment regimen seemed to be working, Marie believes that helping her mother feel joy was also a vital part of her recovery.

“The medicine helps, but it’s from a lot of support and a lot of prayer,” she said.

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