Kids Safety Network

Screen Time. Is It So Dangerous For Kids!?

little cute girl is pointing remote to tv to change change channel. There is a shallow depth of field.

We’re in the day and age where children are spending time in front of the screen is the norm. Screen time is a win-win for both parent and their child. But with all good things comes the downside.

Computers, iPads, and Televisions all emit a wavelength called blue light. Blue light waves are the shortest wavelengths and because of that they flicker the easiest. When the wavelengths flicker it can make the image look blurry or less sharp, which causes children to squint and strain when watching the screen.

Kids eyes are still developing well into the early years of life so they are at a greater risk for eye problems. If your children are exposed to this blue light for too long they’re at risk for headaches, inability to maintain focus, eye-dryness or eye fatigue. Prolonged use can lead to more serious and longterm problems later on in life.

Screen time can also have an affect on a child’s ability to sleep. When children watch TV and use the iPad/Computer it gets their brain going which makes it harder to for children to get to sleep. The blue light that is emitted from the screen can also block the brains ability to produce melatonin which allows the brain to tell the body it is time to wind down.

While we can do out best to monitor screen time at home, we have to remember that children are spending time on screens at school more frequently. Many schools have incorporated iPads into everyday curriculum. In addition to them already using the computer on a day-to-day basis. If you add that up with the 30 minutes to an hour that children are on the screen at home you’re looking at a good chunk of time children are in front of the screen.

Simply put screen time is a part of our day to day life and there is not much that we can do to change that. All that we can do is be mindful of the amount of time we allow our children to be in front of a screen.

Some Solutions to Prevent Eye Damage:

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