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Cuban Boy Dies After Surgery To Remove Basketball-Sized Facial Tumour

A 14-year-old Cuban boy who underwent surgery in Florida to remove a 4.5-kg (10-lb) tumour from his face, has died.

Emanuel Zayas had a rare condition called polyostotic fibrous dysplasia, which causes certain bones to become soft.

The condition had caused a benign tumour to develop on Zayas’ face 3 years ago.

Zayas’ parents tried in vain to find a local specialist who could help their son with the condition. His family was finally granted a temporary humanitarian visa to travel to Jackson Memorial Hospital in Miami, Florida to meet a team of facial surgeons.

With the tumor growing heavier and pressing on Zayas’ trachea, the medical team decided to proceed with surgery earlier this month to remove the tumor and rebuild Zayas’ nose.

Although Zayas appeared to be recovering last week, his condition worsened over the weekend and he developed kidney and lung failure.

“Our condolences and prayers for Emanuel’s family and the loss of a very brave young man,” Dr. Robert E. Marx, the chief of oral and maxillofacial surgery at the University of Miami Health System, said in a statement.

Another angel has arrived in Heaven.”

Marx told NBC Miami: “Apparently, the physiologic stress of the surgery was too much for his compromised anatomy to overcome.”

He also noted that his team’s hopes of allowing Zayas a better quality of life “have not been realized.”

Dr. Marx says that Zayas’ family has donated their son’s body to medical research so that scientists can try to learn more about the rare disease.

Is ‘Baby Brain` Something Real? Study Investigates

We often hear of pregnant women saying that their brain is just not what it used to be, but some studies have questioned such a phenomenon…

Now, there’s new research tries to settle the controversy.

Many pregnant women report problems such as trouble focusing and remembering things, confusion, reading difficulties, as well as forgetfulness.

Collectively, these symptoms are known as the “baby brain” or “pregnancy brain” phenomenon, or “momnesia”

According to an older and highly quoted study, between 50 and 80 percent of women say that they have experienced it.

Having baby brain can interfere with normal life and many women have reported that they were less verbally fluent and coherent at work, forgot appointments, or could not return to work at all due to these cognitive impairments.

But despite these accounts, some studies have argued that the baby brain phenomenon is just a myth.

Even though memory problems have been reported by a number of pregnant mothers, these are more likely to occur due to general tiredness rather than actual changes in brain function.

Other studies maintain that pregnancy changes the brain for up to 2 years, with reductions in the brain’s gray matter being noticeable on a brain scanner.

More recently, Researchers from Deakin University in Victoria, Australia, carried out a meta-analysis of 20 studies that reported a link between pregnancy and cognition.

The first author of the analysis is Sasha Davies, a Ph.D. candidate at Deakin University, and the findings were published in the Medical Journal of Australia.

The analysis performed by Davies and colleagues included a total of 709 pregnant women and 521 non-pregnant controls.

The studies looked at general cognitive function, defined “as encompassing a range of processes, including memory, attention, executive functioning, processing speed, and verbal and visuospatial abilities.”

The researchers also analyzed memory, attention, and executive function — which refers to the ability to plan, move with flexibility from one idea to another, problem-solve, and the power of abstraction.Davies and team found that “[g]eneral cognitive functioning, memory, and executive functioning were significantly poorer in pregnant than in control women, particularly during the third trimester.”

“The differences primarily develop during the first trimester, and are consistent with recent findings of long-term reductions in brain gray matter volume during pregnancy,” the authors write.

The cognitive declines were found “between the first and second trimesters in general cognitive functioning and memory, but not between the second and third trimesters,” they explain.

The team call for further investigation into how these cognitive changes affect the daily lives of pregnant women, and they caution against a hasty interpretation of the results.

“These findings need to be interpreted with caution, particularly as the declines were statistically significant, but performance remained within the normal ranges of general cognitive functioning and memory.”

Study co-author Dr. Melissa Hayden also comments on the findings, saying, “These small reductions in performance across their pregnancy will be noticeable to the pregnant women themselves and perhaps by those close to them, manifesting mainly as minor memory lapses (e.g., forgetting or failing to book medical appointments).”

However, she explains, “More significant consequences (e.g., reduced job performance or impaired ability to navigate complex tasks) are less likely.”


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