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Courageous Mother Shot In Back Protecting Injured Boyfriend

This Courageous Mother Was Shot In The Back Protecting Her Injured Boyfriend

A brave new Mother was shot in the back while she was trying to protect her boyfriend after he was hit in the head during the Las Vegas shooting this past weekend.

Summer and her partner Michael Gracia, who has a three-month-old baby girl together, were caught up in the attack at the country music festival on the Vegas Strip, which left 59 people dead and over 500 injured after gunman Stephen Paddock opened fire on the crowds.

Both of them were both rushed into hospital, where Summer was treated for a gunshot to her back and Michael, a police officer from California, was given emergency surgery for his head injury.

According to the Mirror, Michael is in a critical but stable condition, following the surgery.

Image credit: Facebook

An image of brave Summer showed the new Mom walking through hospital, with a dressing on her back and carrying her little girl. The image was shared on Facebook by a friend of the couple with the caption: “Shot gun wound and still being the best mom.”

She added: “If this isn’t the definition of a strong woman then idk what is. Took a bullet to the back by a rifle to save someone else’s life and is still going strong for her baby and love of her life.

“Mind you, that bullet is shattered inside of her and unable to be removed.

“Summer, I admire you more than you’ll ever know and I am so grateful for you and your love for LeahcimAicarg (Michael).

“I love you guys and will ALWAYS be by your sides.”

Pls keep @OntarioPD Ofcr Gracia in your thoughts + prayers. He’s in critical condition after being shot in Las Vegas. His fiancée also shot.
– Gigi Graciette (@GigiGraciette) October 2, 2017

Friends of the pair said that after Michael was shot in the head, Summer desperately tried to cover his body with her own, which ended up with her receiving a shot to the back.

They have also set up a GoFundMe page to help raise money for the couple’s medical bills and other expenses.

The page states: “Michael Gracia (Mikey), fellow bearcat from class of 2011, was shot last night at the Vegas shooting, which is the biggest massacre in the United States to date. Michael was shot in the head and was taken to surgery where it was successful but he’s going to have a long road of recovery.

“Summer, his girlfriend and mother of his child, covered him while he was hurt, which got her shot as well. The love between those two are real and they are new parents and new parents shouldn’t be going through this.

“I want to raise money to help with any medical bills and general bills and necessities so they don’t have to worry .

“Please help as much as you can – even a prayer works.”

The page has received over $60, 000  in donations since being set up.

What a tragic event that has changed lives forever.

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