Kids Safety Network

Couple Arrested For Severe Beating Of 7-Week-Old Infant

A couple from Madison County has been arrested after authorities say their 7-week-old baby girl was hospitalized from severe beatings.

Billy Dewayne Taylor has been charged with intentionally abusing his baby multiple times, starting when she was as young as 4-weeks-old. The baby’s mother, Jennifer Dawn Davis, is also charged with failing to report the crime or get medical help.

Authorities say that the baby is in stable condition at Mission Hospital in Asheville, recovering from 5 broken ribs, 5 fractured ribs, and 2 broken legs. The baby reportedly has several other ribs that are currently in the healing stages, from separate assaults. The baby also sustained internal swelling as a result of this last assault.

Madison County Sheriff, Buddy Harwood, says after interviewing the couple it was heard that Davis heard “blood-curdling screams coming from the child,” on at least 2 or 3 occasions. Sheriff Harwood says deputies acted quickly after they received a call from the Department of Social Services, on Tuesday.

Taylor is charged with 2 counts of felony child abuse, for purposely and cruelly breaking the baby’s ribs and legs on separate occasions.

Davis is charged with 2 counts of felony child abuse for purposely delaying emergency medical treatment for the infant and attempting to conceal the gruesome assaults on the infant.

The couple apparently worked as caretakers for the Mintz Family Care Home, in Marshall.

Taylor is currently being held under a half-million-dollar bond, at Raleigh Correctional Facility. Davis however, remains behind bars in Madison County under an $80,000 bond.

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