Kids Safety Network

Conjoined Twins Separated After 7-hour Surgery

Conjoined twin girls from Houston were separated last month during a seven-hour surgery at Texas Children’s Hospital, officials have announced on Monday.

Anna Grace Richards and Hope Elizabeth Richards were born on December 29, 2016, via caesarean section after 35 weeks and five days of gestation, according to a news release issued by the hospital.

Officials said that the twins were joined at their chest and abdomen, sharing a diaphragm, liver and part of their heart.

Since then, it is said the girls have been cared for by a team of specialists at the hospital’s neonatal intensive care unit, preparing for the separation surgery.

Part of that preparation included a surgery which took place in November where doctors placed tissue expanders that allowed the girls’ skin to grow and stretch, officials said.

A team of nearly 75 surgeons, anesthesiologists, cardiologists and nurses successfully separated the girls on Jan. 13, officials said.

“The success of this incredibly complex surgery was the result of our dedicated team members’ hard work throughout the last year,” said Dr. Larry Hollier, surgeon-in-chief and chief of plastic surgery at Texas Children’s hospital. “Through simulations and countless planning meetings, we were able to prepare for situations that could arise during the separation. We are thrilled with the outcome and look forward to continuing to care for Anna and Hope as they recover.”

“We’ve thought about and prayed for this day for almost two years,” said Jill Richards, the girls’ mother. “It’s an indescribable feeling to look at our girls in two separate beds. We couldn’t be more thankful to the entire team at Texas Children’s for making this dream come true.”

Officials said that the family is now concentrating on the girls’ recovery.

The Richards family has a GoFundMe page in order to help cover medical bills after the surgery.


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