Kids Safety Network

Charlie Gard Dies In Hospice

Charlie Gard, the British baby whose parents fought a highly publicized court battle to treat him in the U.S., died on Friday in a hospice, his parent have confirmed.

Gard suffered from a rare genetic disorder called mitochondrial depletion syndrome and due to the illness, he had brain damage and was unable to breathe or move his limbs unaided.

Gard would have turned 1 next week.

The parents, Connie Yates and Chris Gard, lost a court battle to bring him to the U.S. for the experimental treatment.

They spent months trying to persuade London’s Great Ormond Street Hospital to let the baby go to the U.S. for an experimental treatment they believed could help him. The parents raised over $1.7 million to take him to America — but Charlie’s doctors opposed the idea, saying it would not help and cause the baby more suffering.

Courts sided with the hospital in its bid to remove life support and allow Charlie to die naturally and his parents gave up on their legal fight earlier this week after scans showed that Charlie’s muscles had deteriorated so much that the damage was irreversible.

The family wanted to take their son home to die but were shot down by Great Ormond Street Hospital who said Charlie’s complex needs made that impractical.

The case attracted national attention after Pope Francis and President Trump expressed support for Gard’s parents.

“Mummy and Daddy love you so much Charlie, we always have and we always will and we are so sorry that we couldn’t save you,” his parents wrote when announcing their decision.”We had the chance but we weren’t allowed to give you that chance.”

Sweet dreams baby. Sleep tight, our beautiful little boy.”

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