Kids Safety Network

California Girl Dies During Dental Procedure

A girl from California has died while undergoing a simple dental procedure on Monday. Its left her parents with unanswered questions in her death.

3-Year-Old Daleyza Avila Hernandez was getting two teeth pulled and caps put on two others at the Children’s Dental Surgery Center in Stockton, east of San Francisco, her family said.

“My daughter was very healthy,” Araceli Avila said. “All I did was I take my daughter to the dentist because they were going to fix her teeth, and about 30 minutes later they brought her back dead.” 

Avila and her husband, Jose Hernandez, remembered seeing the toddler “vivacious and full of life” just before the procedure.

The parents said they weren’t allowed to enter into the surgery room but while waiting, Avila saw an ambulance pull up to the office.

“And I stood up and went outside because I was like, ‘they are coming for a kid,’ but I never thought it was for my child,” Avila said.

A nurse told the parents that their daughter’s heart stopped, possibly from underlying heart issues. Daleyza Avila Hernandez was rushed to the hospital and pronounced dead.

Administrator of Children’s Dental Surgery Center in Stockton, David Thompson,  said that Hernandez had a reaction to the anesthetics during the procedure.

The girl was stabilized before being transported to the hospital, though Thompson said he didn’t know what the actual cause of death is. He also added the girl’s parents weren’t allowed in the room due to sanitary rules.

Thompson mentioned that staff members at the center were well trained and have years of experience.

We’re committed to helping kids every single day. That’s our mission, that’s why we’re here. It’s risky. Not everyone wants to do it,” he told Fox 40.

The Hernandez family is still confused and said they still don’t understand what led to their daughter’s death.

The Dental Board of California said in a statement:

The Dental Board of California is aware of the tragic situation. An investigation is underway so specific details of the case cannot be shared at this time. Consumer protection is the board’s highest concern and we want to extend our deepest sympathy to the family.”

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