Kids Safety Network

BREAKING NEWS: Nanny ‘Caught Violently Flinging Nine-Month-Old Baby Into Her Cot Like A Rag Doll’

BREAKING NEWS: Nanny ‘Caught Violently Flinging Nine-Month-Old Baby Into Her Cot Like A Rag Doll’

A child carer in Namibia is facing an attempted murder charge after a nanny cam caught her appearing to violently throw a baby into a crib.

Footage taken from inside the child’s bedroom shows the nanny walking into the shot while carrying the child – Laila – by her shoulder and neck.

The nanny begins to tidy the bed and then throws Laila into it face first, causing her to land with a powerful thud.

Laila is heard crying as the nanny leaves the room.
Nanny throws baby into crib before carrying it by its LEG

Laila, who is nine-months-old and beginning preschool, is fine, but this is a video that her mum Annemarie Theron, 31, will not soon forget.

She told MailOnline: ‘I didn’t expect to see what I saw and I was absolutely shattered. I was horrified that she could look me in the eye – like she did everyday. My heart breaks.’

The nanny – whose identity has not been publicised – was arrested on Friday under charges of child abuse, assault and attempted murder.

She appeared in court on Monday and was denied bail, remaining in custody until October.

‘I believe she did my child an injustice and I don’t want her to have access to other children again,’ said Ms Theron, who works as a marketing and reservations manager at a remote holiday lodge in the town of Outjo.

‘Initially the police weren’t really into the case until I showed them the video. Now I’ve had fantastic support,’ she said.

Ms Theron, originally from Zimbabwe, and her husband Johan hired the woman in about May of this year. She had received a glowing review from her previous employer who had said she had been great with children.

But at the end of July, Ms Theron had the feeling that something was wrong.

The nanny walks into the bedroom carrying baby Laila by the neck, pictured. She appears to clear the bed, preparing to put the 9-month-old in it

The nanny drops baby Laila into the crib, pictured, and she is heard crying long after the nanny leaves the room

The hidden camera captures the terrifying moment a 9-month-old baby is abused by her child carer

She said: ‘I noticed marks on the balls of her [Laila] feet where the creases are. I couldn’t understand where they came from and I started being very particular to what was going on. I didn’t see anything else for a long time.’

A red flag came this month after Mr Theron noticed Laila appearing to act scared of the nanny, and the couple then discussed installing cameras in their home.

The video has enlisted support from all over the world.

Ms Theron said: ‘Not all maids are bad. I grew up with a maid my whole life. It is just going to take some time to trust people and I’m sure that time will come.’

Mum Annemarie Theron posted a picture of Laila on Facebook on Sunday, pictured left, thanking everyone for the support their family received, including husband Johan, pictured right

She added that Laila’s story has shed more light on the nanny’s character and people have come forward citing violence at home, particularly when paired with alcohol.

Ms Theron said the nanny had four children of her own. ‘I don’t know who is going to look after them now. There’s a part of me that feels guilty.’

Hospital employees from the Naval Hospital Jacksonville have been removed from patient care after disturbing photos involving newborns went viral on Monday.

Breaking News: Hospital employees removed after taking disturbing photos of newborns, calling them ‘mini Satans’

The viral post, that has been shared over 185,000 times, shows screenshots taken from the employees’ Snapchat account. In the images, the employee is seen sticking up her middle finger to a newborn, captioned with “How I currently feel about these mini Satans.” The post also explains that in one of the Snapchat screenshots, the “navy nurse” and her friend held up the baby, making the baby dance to rap music.

The Naval Hospital Jacksonville posted a statement addressing the photos on their Facebook page:

‘Mini Satans’: Why is this ‘navy nurse’ giving a newborn baby the middle finger?

The Naval Jacksonville Hospital announced Monday night that it has removed multiple employees after images of them inappropriately handling newborn babies surfaced online.

The image, which the Facebook post said came from a “navy nurse,” was a screenshot of an image shared on Snapchat, according to ABC News.

And in a video, another employee is reportedly seen holding an infant and making it dance to rap music.

“We are aware of a video / photo posted online,” the hospital wrote on Facebook. “It’s outrageous, unacceptable, incredibly unprofessional, and cannot be tolerated.

“We have identified the staff members involved. They have been removed from patient care and they will be handled by the legal system and military justice.”

Outrage was swift from commenters on the Florida hospital’s Facebook post.

“I’m sickened by the actions taken by these two individuals!!!!!” wrote Lisa Wagoner Buttrey. “We are suppose to trust care systems…..had it been my child they did this to loosing [sic] their license would have been the last thing they needed to worry about!!!!!!!!!!”

Another person, Diane Perrot, added: “Disgrace to the nursing profession! Cudos [sic] to the Commanding Officer for holding them accountable for their actions”

While some, like Tammy Elliott, wondered if the punishment was too severe.

“While this young ladies actions [sic] were in poor judgment. I don’t think she deserves to be fired.” Elliott wrote “She is young, made a huge mistake. You all attacking her innocent? Sounds to me like she has some frenemys that want her go down.”

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